As a participant, We often want to record Zoom meetings without permission. In some special circumstances, it is not convenient for us to request recording permissions from the meeting host. At this point, Cok Auto Recorder can be used to automatically record the PC version of Zoom. When you join a Zoom meeting, Cok Auto Recorder will start recording automatically. When you leave a Zoom meeting, it will stop recording. All parties in the meeting cannot know that you are recording the content of the meeting. In other words, you can record the meeting content secretly.
Video Guide for Recording Zoom Meeting on Computer
1. At first, run Cok Auto Recorder on your desktop or laptop computer. Click "File", "Settings" menu.
2. Add the process name of the Zoom software to the text box below. The process name of Zoom is Zoom.exe, please enter it into the text box shown in the following image. If there are other process names before, they need to be separated by commas. In addition, process names are case sensitive.
3. When you join a Zoom meeting, Cok Auto Recorder will automatically start recording without manual intervention.
4. When you leave the Zoom meeting, Cok Auto Recorder will stop recording immediately. The audio file is saved in the directory set in the settings window, and you can quickly find the audio file by clicking the "View Logs" button.
If your country's laws do not allow private recording of call content, please inform other parties in advance before recording. Please do not use this software for illegal purposes.